Wednesday, February 10, 2010

New Chapter and Marketing

It has been too long since I last posted. The idea was to keep track of the audition process and the process of becoming an Opera Singer. I guess the actual doing and struggling got in the way of recording the process.I've opened a new chapter in my life since I last wrote. I quit my day job several years ago, tackled my first young artist program for Opera Colorado and came out a stronger and more determined singer. It almost seems impossible to track everything that has happened professionally since then, although my resume makes it seem rather simple. Next up I will find myself in San Diego singing with the chorus for Gounod's Roméo et Juiette. Then I'm off to Opera Santa Barbara to sing, of all things, Stefano from Roméo et Juliette for their Young Artist Program.

Most of what I have experienced in the last several years has been typical of other young artists; track and apply to auditions, get rejection letters and acceptance letters. Find the money and the nerve to travel for auditions (most of which are in the fall and winter), plan trips, hone resume/headshot/repertoire lists and audition. Deal with post audition drag, that time when you don't hear from companies or you do hear from them but without a contract. Keep charging forth because it is simply what you do. Get an acceptance, win a competition, sing concerts, sing for free, sing for money, sing for the love of singing. Repeat.

I've started a website and began to market myself a bit better than I had several years ago. It still isn't perfect but I am working hard on that as well as on new music for upcoming engagements.

Since last I wrote, I've created a marketing and publicity package. I've tried to incorporate those things I learned while acting as Marketing Director for a performing arts group. The first and foremost lesson which has been to create a consistent and clear message that pertains to who you are.

Head shots/Promo Images:
(several from the session)

Business Card:
(edited to remove personal information for web)

(video, photos, audio, download-able resume and head shot, biography, schedule and contact)

Social Media Networking such as Everyday Opera:

With the recap at hand, it seems that I once again need to update my audio and video selections on my website and YouTube. It can be a rather consuming process with so many venues to choose from but the plus side is that my materials are out there. The website has come in handy several times as it isn't uncommon for an opera company or performance venue to ask for a website link rather than a full application and audition package. The more Internet driven the world becomes, the more important having a digital presence will be. I feel like I have finally created a strong consistent look and feel to my brand with is of course, ME! I am now learning how to get that brand, that is, how to get myself out there and heard. A presence doesn't do a whole lot of good if no one is looking at it.

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