Sunday, November 13, 2011

Hansel Wrap-up

Hansel & Gretel has officially closed and I'm on my way back home tomorrow. Tonight has provided me with several delicious sweets. First was a German Chocolate Cake at the after party. Not only was it tasty, but the baker took great pains to decorate it to look like the gingerbread house from the set.

The second sweet came in a review of the show via Omaha World Harold.

"Mezzo-soprano Kristin Behrmann (Hansel) and soprano Maria Lindsey (Gretel) both did charming turns as the hungry peasant siblings, and their duets, such as the lovely evening prayer, displayed great chemistry...Behrmann was a perfect Hansel - a typical mischievous boy who loves teasing his sister and hides his fear with blustery bravado."


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